Perception of Sickness
Most people do not consider themselves sick unless they have a pain somewhere in their body, or maybe a tired or nervous feeling. They think that as long as there is not an unpleasant feeling in their body they have good health. One must have some understanding of what makes the body function properly. Now it is common knowledge that the body needs a certain amount of oxygen in order to survive, but how many people sit around and time their respiration rate to make sure they are receiving sufficient oxygen? The heart should beat an average number of beats per minute in order that oxygen and nutrition may be supplied to all parts of the body.
The Limits of Self-Monitoring
There may be some people who do check the rate of their respiration and heartbeat periodically, but they find themselves pretty helpless in making any changes in their heart beat, and their respiration rate can only be controlled as long as the person is thinking and controlling it with his conscious mind. What will happen when these people sleep? What will control their heart beat, respiration rate and functioning of all the other organs and glands?
The Chiropractic Perspective
The chiropractic answer to these questions is simple. The chiropractor knows that in everyone’s body there is an intelligent mental impulse flowing through the nerves to every organ and gland; much the same as the electric current flows over the wires to all the modern electric appliances in our homes. The chiropractor knows that if a bone in the spine becomes misaligned and causes pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerves that the affected organs and glands are deprived of this normal intelligent mental impulse and these organs and glands will not function properly. The same is true of the wires which carry the electric current to our modern appliances in our homes. If there is an interference with the electric wires leading to our homes and modern appliances are deprived of their normal electric current, these modern appliances will not function properly. The object may be removed from the electric wire and our modern appliances will immediately function properly. Now it would not be very wise to remove the misaligned spinal bone which is pressing on the spinal cord or spinal nerves. The chiropractor knows that the misaligned bones can usually be moved to a normal position, affording a normal flow of the intelligent mental impulse to the affected organs and glands and thus allowing them to function normally.
The Process of Chiropractic Adjustment
Many people do not understand why it requires more than one or two chiropractic adjustments in order to restore these misaligned spinal bones to their proper position. They think that moving the spinal bones is like moving checkers on a checker board. They do not give careful consideration to the fact that muscles that hold the spinal bones in their proper position have been stretched and adapted to the misaligned position. These misaligned spinal bones not only must be adjusted and restored to their normal position, but they must be kept in their normal position long enough for the stretched muscles to readapt to the normal position. The chiropractor knows that this can only be accomplished by making frequent, regular, spinal checks and that normal function and good health will follow.
Preventive Care through Chiropractic
Be sure your glands and organs are receiving their proper amount of intelligent mental impulse. Do not wait until you have an ache, pain or unpleasant feeling, because many of the organs in your body such as the heart and liver do not have sensory nerves or nerves with feeling.
The hospitals and cemeteries are full of people who either waited too long or they did not know that their organs and glands had been deprived of this vital intelligent mental impulse.
Yes, it is much better to play it safe and have a chiropractor check your spine to be sure the spinal bones are in their proper position. Do not wait for pain and unpleasant feelings to develop. If an organ or gland is deprived of its intelligent mental impulse for a long period of time, extensive tissue damage may occur in these affected organs and glands and normal function may only be restored partially or maybe not at all.
Maintain your health through chiropractic care and you will be happy you did.